...And It Might Be!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Love One Another

You may or may not know this, but it is anti-bullying month. And there are a lot of different things out there about it right now. I watched this video this morning and it made me sad. It made me feel such anger and sadness for my own kids who have been bullied and for the hurtful things that have been said to them.

BUT as I am trying to focus on the positives and on things to be Thankful for, I have tried to turn my thoughts around. And today I want to say Thanks to the good friends my kids have had throughout the years that have lifted them up rather than push them down. And thanks to the parents who have raised these kids! Thanks to the teachers and the administrators who have watched over these precious kids and taught them not to bully! Teachers and Administrators who, when confronted with a situation where bullying is happening,    step in and stop it. Who use it as a teaching moment! Who help the bullies and the bullied.

We had a situation when my second child was in kindergarten. His older sister is just a year older. He (#2) is a dramatic, emotional kid, and #1's best friend was a jealous girl. So, when #2 started going on the bus to school and getting attention from my #1, #1's friend started to bully #2. It was incredible for me to see how quickly and effectively the situation was dealt with. Both kids were young and I do not believe it was intended to be cruel. Once the bullying came to light, the bully was reprimanded and we were lucky that the bullying stopped.

I realize many situations with bullies are not so simple. Which is why I am thankful today for the kids that have befriended my kids and helped them to feel good about themselves. Friends that stand up for each other. Friends who have parents or guardians that have taught them to love others and treat them kindly and as they would like to be treated. Period.

We recently moved away from our bubble of friends and for some in our house it has been a rough adjustment (one we will be repeating in a few short months). So, I thank those here that have taken us in and befriended our kiddos! I thank those that took the kids into their lives and loved them for so many years in Omaha, Spokane, and SLC.

Thank you parents, thank you kids, and thank you "village" for helping me and my husband raise happy kids who feel loved! You all matter! Keep loving one another and  it can only get better and better!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Spotlight 4: Who is it this time?!

Well, Spotlight 3 will be revealed tomorrow because I have a few little things to do on it still, but I wanted to get Spotlight 4 up so you will have the full week to guess who it might be! (Remember-I am making my best guesses if I am unsure!)

Here you go:

1. Where did I meet you? Utah
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite? Utah
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been) Hong Kong
4. What is your dream vacation spot? Grecian Cruise
5. Were you named after anyone? Yes
6. Your favorite color? Blue
7. Your favorite food? Tacos
8. Your Favorite Book? Not sure
9. Your Favorite Movie? A Walk to Remember
10. Your Favorite Cereal? Cheerios
11. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Cherry
12. What are some things you enjoy doing? Golfing, Having Adventures, playing computer games, traveling
13. What color is your car? Black 
14. Name a movie or book title that best describes you or your life (Note-I am just using the TITLE of the movie-not the plot when I pick these-I have not seen most of them...): Adventures of Captain Marvel
15. Tell one funny story about you. (I will at the end of the week)

OK-now it is up to you guys-guess away! Really.,..guess...please...pretty please...


Thank You Random Strangers!

Today, I am sending a shout out and a HUGE Thank you to ALL the strangers out there that choose to do something nice!

The old man at the store that complimented me on my kids behavior, the many, many people over the years that have helped my with strollers or held a door for me!

All those little things really help my to perk up MY day and makes me remember to watch to see what others needs may be.

 I love this video and it expresses what I mean so well. Watch it-I love it, and we CAN make a difference with even the little acts of kindness to each other-friend, for, stranger, best friend, anyone! :)
Lots of Love to all my readers on this great Presidents Day!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Speaking of friend that help you get through...

Since yesterday was the subject of friends who help you through (and put up with you at your worst, meanest teenage self), I will continue along those lines.

Before I go into this story, I want to tell you this. Once a while back, my husband told me that his main goal was to be relentlessly kind to me! It was so nice, and so true! And I thought, wow! I cannot believe anyone wants to be relentlessly nice to me! That's never happened. Then I had to take that thought back because I realized I could think of one other person that was relentlessly nice to me growing up. This is for him!

Yes, I said HIM, Today's person of interest is, for the first time, a BOY that I am not related to (I told you yesterday I had WAY more boy friends growing up)! This is a boy I have known since moving (back) to Utah in Jr high. By way of explanation, I went to middle school for 3 years in Colorado while my dad was in law school. I went to the high school prep classes, got all registered for school and was ready to start high school in 9th grade. Then my dad got a job in Utah and we moved back to the land of 7-9 Jr High...I had to go for ANOTHER year.

I was pissed off about that and it caused me to be even more moody than most moody 14-15-year-olds. In SPITE of that there were a few people that took me in, welcomed me to Jr High and were friends. This is one of those few!

This boy and I had Spanish together and he was as sarcastic and funny as I (lucky guy)! So he always kept me entertained!

Through high school, we rolled in different circles, but still had friends in common and we still hung out sometimes. No matter how horrible I was, this guy was always nice, always there to make me laugh and to just be a good friend.

When we hit college, he and I were both accepted at BYU beginning the summer semester. So one party filled week after high school graduation, he and I moved down to Provo where we were in the same "Y Group".  I lived in the housing where I had a kitchen, he did  not, so his parents paid for the fabulous unlimited food plan. He fed me daily, brought me ice cream from the creamery and helped make BYU bearable for me that summer! He also could drive me from Provo to SLC in like 25 minutes (shh,,,don't tell)!

So, for all the rides, laughs and relentless kindness, THANK YOU BEN!!

PS...Just to clarify one point, I did go to BYU for a semester and a half before transferring to the U of U. I am still, and always will be a loyal UTE! :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Enjoy Paperman by Disney this Valentines Day!

Guess what is my favorite short ever made? This one: Paperman!

Now, go watch it. PERFECT for Valentines day!
Hope you loved that as much as I do!

Friends that get us through!

Well, well, well...Beckee FAIL this last week. I have so, so many people I want to Thanks for being awesome and frankly I just have not had time! I just finished a fantastic visit with my in-laws and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them while we had the chance!

BUT, I feel like I have really let me readers down, so I am giving you a THREE for all today! I have been wanting to send out a little post about there three ladies, but wasn't sure how to do so. This is PERFECT! 

Let me explain. I had quite a few acquaintances in high school. I had a lot of friends that were boys. But I had very, VERY few friends that were girls. Don;t know why, I just always got along with the guys better! However, there are 3 ladies that were consistently there and were my friends throughout high school.

I know this blog makes me seem like a nice person, but that was not always the case. I could be mean and nasty-especially in high school. And I will tell you this, these three ladies each took their fair share of Beckee mean-ness and moodiness through the years! They got the best and the worst of me, and somehow still liked me!

They were there to deal with terrible teachers, to drive a full "Hey Jude" to Wendy's for lunch with me, to grab me some curly fries, and to generally just hang out and keep me sane! I have fantastic memories of just hanging out with these three and they were my closest friends for many years.

You leave high school and no longer have a built in reason to see each other every day, years pass and you just lose track of so, SO many friends. I have not seen any of these ladies in a number of years, but THANK YOU Facebook for letting me keep in touch! And thank you ladies for making me feel like I still have 3 BFF's somewhere out there!

Today I was feeling a little sick and frustrated right after taking my mother-in-law to the airport. I had to get so much done and run a "Friendship Day" Party at school and I was just spent! I feel awful and needed a little push to get up and do what I needed to get done. One of these ladies posted a picture on FB of a book I had made for her as a gift YEARS ago-like 18 years! She still has it and likes it! Then another of these ladies commented that she too had the book I had made her and likes it! WOW! It made me feel so great just to know they still have and care about something silly like that (they were books I had re-written to put in funny inside jokes).

I am certain that I could pick up right where we left off with any of these ladies and I love you all!! So, HEIDI, JENNY, and JALAINE, THANKS for being GREAT friends through the years! You got me through High School somewhat sane and that was not a small feat! Thank You!! I am sure I will "see" you all online, but I hope to see you all in person again sometime soon!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Spotlight 3: WHO COULD IT BE?!

Remember I will answer these questions to the best of my ability about this person. Who knows if I am accurate or not, but I will do my best based on my knowledge of him or her (and maybe based on his/her Facebook page/posts).  (Though many of my answers may be best guesses-I am posting them as if I know!)

Without further ado, I give you spotlight #3:

1. Where did I meet you? Utah
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite? Utah
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been) Ranch
4. What is your dream vacation spot? Philippines
5. Were you named after anyone? Yes
6. Your favorite color? Blue
7. Your favorite food? Steak
8. Your Favorite Book? Ender's Game
9. Your Favorite Movie? um...The Man from Snowy River
10. Your Favorite Cereal? Cinnamon Life
11. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Neapolitan
12. What are some things you enjoy doing? Hiking, Football, Hanging out with family, board games
13. What color is your car? silver
14. Name a movie or book title that best describes you or your life. It's a Wonderful Life!
15. Tell one funny story about you. (next week I shall!)


Spotlight 2: Tyson!

I had a few guesses on Spotlight 2, and they were , once again, all correct! Spotlight 2 is Tyson!!!

Just to remind you of what I said (guessed) about Tyson, here were my spotlight answers:

1. Where did I meet you? My apartment
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite? Louisiana
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been) California
4. What is your dream vacation spot? The moon...ok, on earth? Brazil
5. Were you named after anyone? Yes (a grandparent I believe)
6. Your favorite color? blue or green
7. Your favorite food? Brazilian BBQ or Paninis
8. Your Favorite Book? Wheel of Time Series
9. Your Favorite Movie? I have no clue...ET?
10. Your Favorite Cereal? Lucky Charms
11. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Rainbow Sherbet
12. What are some things you enjoy doing? Playing board games, camping, hanging out with family, traveling, studying (hehehe)
13. What color is your car? black...or dark blue (won't I feel silly if it's white)
14. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
15. Tell one funny story about you. (I will tell a story at the END of the week)

AND as with the children in primary, Tyson thought I was nuts, and was nice enough to play along and give me the right answers. So, here are Tyson's answers (in his words):

1. Where did I meet you? Your apartment right before Penni and I were going to dinner and a movie. You came with us.
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite? I like living with Lindsey. Wherever she is that's my favorite.
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? I don't know that I have been on a real live vacation. The closest I get is visiting family. But when I was a kid I really liked California 
4. What is your dream vacation spot? I really want to go to Europe. If the Mediterranean wasn't so embattled right now I'd like to go on a cruise there and stop at ports in Europe, Africa, and The Middle East
5. Were you named after anyone? My middle name is after my Grandpa Nelson
6. Your favorite color? Yellow
7. Your favorite food? Pizza and Brazilian BBQ but I don't have a gallbladder anymore so it really messes with my system
8. Your Favorite Book? The Giving Tree
9. Your Favorite Movie? The Man from Snowy River
10. Your Favorite Cereal? Cinnamon Life
11. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Peppermint
12. What are some things you enjoy doing? Hunting, Fishing, visiting family (when it isn't too crazy) and watching movies
13. What color is your car? Powder Blue
14. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life. Right now its Groundhog Day. I've been working 12 hr shifts so I get up go to work come home sleep and do it again and Pauly Shore's In the Army Now even though I am in the Air Force because sometimes its just that ridiculous.
15. Tell one funny story about you. I am curious to see what your story is so I am going to leave this one blank.

So, now to tell you MY stories and thoughts about Tyson! 

Beckee's thoughts and stories about T-Bone:
  • I am glad Tyson brought up that I met him right before he went on a date with my roommate Penni, and that I came with them. Here's how that played out. I came home and they were about to leave. They asked me what I was up to and I had a sad weekend night planned with the TV so Ty said to come along with them. I resisted at first, but Ty insisted. And BOY does he know how to get a girl to go with him. He said something to the effect of "Come on, I will pay-how bad can that be?!"  So, I went. Ty paid for dinner and the movie. Months passed, I started dating his older brother, Wes, who I married. Tyson, to this day says he dated me first-on that one "double date"...Wes calls it a Polyga-date! It is all in good fun though, and Lindsey knows I was just another girl for Ty to tell a funny story about! :) 
  • Tyson is HILARIOUS! Anyone who has not met him is really missing out! And his hilarious-ness began when he was a small child and came through in mischievous ways. My husband is only 1 year and 19 days older than Ty and often Tyson's mischief caused Wes to get in trouble! Like the time Ty thought he could light fire works in the garage from a distance by using a roll of toilet paper unrolled across the house leading to the garage. When it was lit on fire, Wes saw it and tried to put it out. Right about then, their dad came in and just saw Wes playing with fire and Wes got in huge trouble while Tyson hid under the stairs...Oh you little pyro... 
  • Tyson and Wes managed to have lots of crazy adventures and learned to be careful what they name things. How did they learn this? Well when your cat named bullseye gets hit, and your car named the Bomb blows up, you start to wonder...
  • Tyson is absolutely one of my favorite people because he is loving to a fault, always ready and willing to help (like moving us in here with Wes) and he always makes me laugh.
  • A couple last thoughts, first-don't ever beat him at Scrabble (there might be a negative reaction), and I think he meant to say his favorite movie was Showgirls...(hehehe-not really-that's just an inside joke special for Ty and Lindsey! I actually doubt he has ever seen that movie...)
  • Earlier today when I asked Wes what I should say about Ty he said "Make sure to mention that he will take it as far as he needs to to win Lagoon tickets from a radio show." I would re-tell the story, but I am fuzzy on the details-as I recall, Ty tried to win Lagoon tickets on"Mad Monday" by having the worst story and best reason to be mad. So, he fabricated a story that he was really angry because his "fiance" had kissed his brother! As he talked to the radio guys he got more and more into this story and eventually, the radio personalities convinced him that he should call and confront his (non existent) fiance on air. He called Wesley's girlfriend at the time, hoping she would play along...she did not!  And at the end after they hung up, the radio guys said "Wow, we should have saved this story for Freaky Friday!"
I happen to have Tyson's mom here at my house right now and here are a few more note from her:

  • As a child he liked to put stuff in outlets because he said he liked how it felt when he got shocked. Getting shocked was not a deterrent-it encouraged him. Once his dad was working on a light and he got shocked and Tyson laughed his butt off because he had caused the shock by turning the breaker back on...(I, Beckee, guess he was trying to share the favored "shock" with his dad!)
  • He liked to help with the kids. Once when he was 2 he took his newborn sister out of her cradle and was carrying her, nice and tight down the hall to his mom...head down proudly proclaiming "don't worry mom, I got her!"
  • He had an active imagination and at the age of 9 swore up and down that he buzzed the buffaloes on Antelope Island and hovered over the Ferris wheel at Lagoon in his uncle's small plane. 
  • He hates being restrained or having boundaries. Once when he was in a terrible accident and had a head injury, and he was strapped to the cat scan table. He kept demanding the restraints off and when the nurse came to give him a shot and sedate him, Ty (still strapped down) one handed smacked the male nurse into the wall. And all he could think to call this nurse was a piece of hud. SO, Beckee's note-the moral of THAT story is that his can't be held back, is very strong and will call you a piece of hud if you try to get in his way!
On that note, I will just say to you Tyson: Keep it up! Don't let anyone hold you back-keep having fun and making everyone laugh, and THANKS for being you!! You are awesome, and Lindsey, I think I can speak for all those girls he "polyga-dated" or whatever when I say way to go! Nice catch!  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Thanks to NICE Bloggers!

Well, this is a little different because I want to talk today about someone that I have never met in person. Someone that I really like and appreciate, but who may not even remember me or know who I am.

First a little background... I run a little blog. Really. In the scheme of things it is a little, insignificant blog that I am pretty sure is only viewed by my friends and a few online friends I have picked up along the journey. There are bloggers with huge followings and awesome blogs, but I am not one of them.

Back when I was getting my little blog started, I read a lot of other blogs to try to figure it all out. I was new to this whole thing and I was lost. I began to interact with some of the bloggers through blog comments and facebook pages. However, as soon as they heard I was starting my own blog, it became a petty competition. I was not trying to step on toes, but they felt I was and instead of helping me, they tried to knock me down. It was frustrating.

At the time, my favorite blog was a GEM called Couponing to Disney. It is still my favorite! It is a big blog, loved by many, and so I was quite sure my email plea to the blog owner, Kristin, would go unread and unanswered. BUT luckily I was wrong! My crazy email, full of "how-to" questions was answered, with detail and follow up! I have NEVER been more grateful in my life! At the point I got her email, I was actually about to give up on the idea of my blog because if all the mean petty bloggers I had been encountering! BUT here was this really big blogger helping me out without pettiness! Just because! Just a random act of kindness to a person she did not even know!

 So, to Kristin at Couponing to Disney I say THANK YOU for being NICE and for helping em out! You really are still my favorite blogger! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spotlight 2: WHO IS IT?!

Well, here we go on Spotlight 2. This will be with the new set of questions.

Remember I will answer these questions to the best of my ability about this person. Who knows if I am accurate or not, but I will do my best based on my knowledge of him or her (and maybe based on his/her Facebook page/posts).  (Though many of my answers may be best guesses-I am posting them as if I know!)

Without further ado, I give you spotlight #2:

1. Where did I meet you? My apartment
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite? Louisiana
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been) California
4. What is your dream vacation spot? The moon...ok, on earth? Brazil
5. Were you named after anyone? Yes (a grandparent I believe)
6. Your favorite color? blue or green
7. Your favorite food? Brazilian BBQ or Paninis
8. Your Favorite Book? Wheel of Time Series
9. Your Favorite Movie? I have no clue...ET?
10. Your Favorite Cereal? Lucky Charms
11. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Rainbow Sherbet
12. What are some things you enjoy doing? Playing board games, camping, hanging out with family, traveling, studying (hehehe)
13. What color is your car? black...or dark blue (won't I feel silly if it's white)
14. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
15. Tell one funny story about you. (I will tell a story at the END of the week)

Please leave guesses in comments as to who you believe this person might be! Next Monday I will post an answer as to who it is and perhaps if they are willing to play along, we will also get the real answers to the questions! They can correct my mistakes! :)

Thank you all for playing along! And remember if I know you, this could be YOU!! :)

Spotlight 1: ANDREA

Well. As mentioned in my post earlier today, apparently Spotlight 1 was pretty easy...it was in fact, my sister, ANDREA! So, let me tell you a little about her.

First, as a reminder, here were MY answers to the Spotlight questions about Andrea:

1.  Hair and eye color. Blond and Blue
2.  Where were you born?  Where did you grow up? Utah, Utah...
3.  Where did I meet you? Utah
4.  How many brothers and sisters do you have?  Where do you fit in oldest / youngest? 1, 2, middle
5.  If you have children, how many? 4
6.  What are some of the different places you have lived?  Your favorite place?  Favorite Place to visit-I think is Hawaii.
7.  Were you named after anyone? Not that I am aware of
8.  Your favorite color? Blue
9.  Your favorite food? Parmesan Chicken
10.  Your Favorite Book? Their Eyes Were Watching God
11. Your Favorite Movie? Girls Just Want to Have Fun
12. Your Favorite Cereal? Cheerios
13.  Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
14.  What are some things you enjoy doing? Facebook, Hang out with family, Sing, Hold Babies, and Scrapbook.
15.  What color is your car? Gold
16.  Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life. As Good as it Gets
17.  Tell one story about you. I cannot think of one that will not give this away...let me think...ok...um...Here is my plan on this one. I will tell you a story about this person at the END of the week when it is revealed WHO it is! :) 

And now, because my sister is awesome and willing to play along, here are her answers (correcting mine):

1. Green and blonde/brown
2. SLC. Mostly SLC, but I also lived in Denver and Lansing.
3. I'm guessing St. Mark's Hospital.
4. 1 brother, 2 sisters. I'm in the middle (the older in the middle).
5. 4
6. I have lived in Utah, Michigan, and Colorado. My favorite places are Puerto Vallarta, Hawaii, and Disneyland-yep, I have 3!
7. I don't think so-my parents just liked my name.
8. Blue (deep, dark blue)
9. Stuffed peppers, Navajo tacos, my mom's Parmesan chicken, and sushi.
10. Ender's Game and Their Eyes were Watching God
11. I have SOOOO many-top 5 are probably Footloose, Count of Monte Cristo, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Lion King, and The Family Man
12. Rice Chex and Cheerios (it's true, I know, I'm boring).
13. Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
14. Reading, Writing, Scrapbooking, babysit (especially little babies), make cookies and bread, autism advocacy.
15. Goldish
16. What Women Want hehe
17. (Note from Beckee-Andrea is recovering from surgery and is a little drowsy, so she asked me to recount this story from her about us SO this is in Beckee's words): When I was a senior in high school, I was playing Adelaide in Guys and Dolls. During one particularly long rehearsal, Andrea and Heidi (our friend) asked if I wanted anything from Arby's. I said I wanted Curly Fries. They came back with HOMESTYLE fries and (allegedly) I pitched a fit. On stage, in front of all, I screamed, yelled and stomped that "I want CURLY fries."  They went back and got Curly Fries...(and I have not heard the end of it from my family since-my mom was there in the pit playing the piano and this is my "diva fit" that the family still references when I get to be a handful...)

NOW, MY TURN to share some facts and stories about ANDREA:

1: Andrea is notoriously a terrible cook (though as an adult she has improved). But as a kid/teen/young adult, we teased she could burn water. This is not a joke. This is real. Let me tell you the story. I am 2ish years older than Andrea. When I was 16, I came home late one night from a rehearsal or something and Andrea was up and trying to cook a late night meal of pasta of some sort. She had put water on the stove to boil with a touch of oil and salt in it and walked away. At the time, out family lived with my grandparents. They slept upstairs, we were downstairs. That night I came home just in time to see Andrea's water had boiled out and the stove was on fire. Everyone was asleep. I didn't want to scream, but wasn't sure how to get it out (do you throw water on a fiery electric thing?!) So, I ran into my grandparents room where my sleeping grandparents were sleepign and calmly asked my XiaXia (grandma in Greek) "Excuse me, the stove is on fire, I am not sure how to get it out, do I throw water or flour on it?!" She kind of mumbled something like "yeah that should work." I said "OK-thank you." Closed the door and started walking back to the fiery kitchen. Apparently at that point XiaXia realized what I had asked and I am telling you-that 65-year-old lady ran past me like she was Dash from the Incredibles, and that fire was out before I even hit the kitchen.  That story is why we say Andrea can burn even water! :)

2: Andrea loves to travel, but is not very good at it. I realize my saying this I am asking for a retaliation as I am notoriously the WORST traveler ever (I have terrible luck on drives and flights in traveling, but that is for another day). Back to Andrea being a bad traveler though: Case in point, when my dad took her on a daddy daughter vacation to Costa Rica, she spent all of like 2 hours there before heading back to the states to seek medical attention due to an allergic reaction she had and was still having some issues for. BUT worry not-my dad and sister can make anything an adventure-they did not come directly home-they went via Mexico and like 4 other places. I don't remember all the details but it was crazy.

3: I am a klutz, but she can out-klutz me any day. She wore a huge cast on her leg to the junior prom because the day before prom she fell off her platform shoe and got her leg stuck in a door breaking her ankle. Yeah-really-she broke her ankle that way. I so wish I had the picture to show you of her in her flowy light blue mermaid-like prom dress with this bright (green?) cast and walking on crutches!

4: Speaking of being klutzy, she once broke her nose performing on stage in front of all the kids her age from the high schools around. She was doing a dance move and just slipped and fell on her nose. But don't worry-she finished the song with the blood gushing out her nose. A stage crew member brought her tissues in the middle of the song but she just finished before going to seek medical attention.

5: She may be super skinny, but she can eat you under the table under the right circumstances. Like if her (now husband) breaks up with her, she MIGHT park her sad butt on the bottom of her older sister's bed and remain there for days eating dozens and dozens of eclairs (provided to her by her dad who knew not what to do otherwise...). Or like if dad were to make Navajo Tacos, or mom makes Parmesan Chicken...Just saying...

Though I have another sister and one brother, they are both quite a bit younger than I am, so Andrea and I grew up together and didn't have anyone else until I was 10. So, I got to grow up with Andrea and fight with her and she stole my clothes all the time. But we still like each other and she is thoughtful and great and I am lucky to have such a fun sister!

So, Thanks Andrea for all the things you have done throughout my life to make it more fun and exciting and for helping me through the hard days too.


Time to Show some Appreciation Friend

Today, I am thinking about a friend that I don't think I truly appreciated enough when I lived close. Really. I just don't think I noticed and thanked her nearly enough for all the nice things she does for others including me.

This is a friend who has volunteered to watch my kids for me over and over so I can go do things that needed to be done. A friend who has kids the same ages as my younger kids and whose kids are friends with my kids (gosh-isn't that a TRUE BLESSING for a mom to find friends whose kids also get along with your kids!!!). 

This is a friend that responds to things I post online, even the most silly insignificant things. A friend who knows how silly I am and that I always appreciate a good joke and I am always up for a laugh, so eh makes sure to share those things with me. Seriously, many of the funniest things I have read or seen on FB I would have missed were it not for this friend pointing them out to me or sharing them with me.

So, for all the times you helped with my kids, for providing friends for my kids and for all the laughs, I say THANK YOU! I cannot tell you the number of times I have been moody since I moved, then looked at FB on my phone to see something hilarious you posted and it turns my day and mood around! So, THANKS, Maggie!!

Spotlight updates!

You may or may not have seen my Spotlight post last week. I have learned a lot this week. So here are a few notes and changes:

Note 1: If you guessed the spotlight and did not see your comment/guess appear on the post it is because I am not going to moderate and post ANY guesses until the last day (when I reveal who it is) that way you get to make your own guess without being influences by other guesses/comments.

Note 2: As mentioned above, that was too easy. So I am going to update my questions. This is the list of questions as they appeared in Spotlight 1:

1. Hair and eye color.
2. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
3. Where did I meet you?
4. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Where do you fit in oldest / youngest?
5. If you have children, how many?
6. What are some of the different places you have lived? Your favorite place? Why?
7. Were you named after anyone?
8. Your favorite color?
9. Your favorite food?
10. Your Favorite Book?
11. Your Favorite Movie?
12. Your Favorite Cereal?
13. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
14. What are some things you enjoy doing?
15. What color is your car?
16. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life.
17. Tell one story about you.

This is the new set of questions:

1. Where did I meet you?
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite?
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been)
4. What is your dream vacation spot?
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. Your favorite color?
6. Your favorite food?
7. Your Favorite Book?
8. Your Favorite Movie?
9. Your Favorite Cereal?
10. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
11. What are some things you enjoy doing?
12. What color is your car?
13. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life.
14. Tell one funny story about you.

Note 3: Spotlight 1 has only been up a few days, but in the future I will only do one spotlight a week-it will be posted on Mondays (and revealed on the next Monday).

Look for Spotlight 1 to be revealed later today! AND for Spotlight 2 to go up.


Well, I missed a couple days over the weekend. I think I may just do that each week-only post on week days. Mainly because if I ever get time with my husband AND kids, it is on the weekend and I don't want to add another thing that takes away from that family time. But worry not, with the return of Friday's I will also return to throwing out some love...watch out for a post ocming up shortly!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Who could it BE?! Spotlight #1: Feb 1, 2013

I, Beckee, am answering these questions about a mystery person. I will answer honestly and to the best of my ability...please comment below if you believe you may know who this mystery person is. Next week, I will reveal who said person is, and IF he or she is willing to play along I will have them correct any information I got wrong!

Without further ado, I bring you Spotlight 1:

1.  Hair and eye color. Blond and Blue
2.  Where were you born?  Where did you grow up? Utah, Utah...
3.  Where did I meet you? Utah
4.  How many brothers and sisters do you have?  Where do you fit in oldest / youngest? 1, 2, middle
5.  If you have children, how many? 4
6.  What are some of the different places you have lived?  Your favorite place?  Favorite Place-I think is Hawaii.
7.  Were you named after anyone? Not that I am aware of
8.  Your favorite color? Blue
9.  Your favorite food? Parmesan Chicken
10.  Your Favorite Book? Their Eyes Were Watching God
11. Your Favorite Movie? Girls Just Want to Have Fun
12. Your Favorite Cereal? Cheerios
13.  Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
14.  What are some things you enjoy doing? Facebook, Hang out with family, Sing, Hold Babies, and Scrapbook.
15.  What color is your car? Gold
16.  Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life. As Good as it Gets
17.  Tell one story about you. I cannot think of one that will not give this away...let me think...ok...um...Here is my plan on this one. I will tell you a story about this person at the END of the week when it is revealed WHO it is! :) 

WHO COULD IT BE?! Leave your best guess below in comments! :)


Spotlights: Will it be YOU?!

As I mentioned, this blog is mainly a place for me to throw out thanks and kudos to awesome people that have made my life a little easier with the little things they do. Mostly it is people that I don't get to see every day. People that may not know how their interactions and support mean a lot to me.

BUT the people that I know the best and that have affected me in the most profound meaningful ways on a daily basis throughout life deserve some major kudos and love too! BUT since the little things they do for me are too numerous to list, I decided to do something that I think will be fun. We shall see if you do too...

Here's the scoop...I have always gone to church weekly growing up. In my church, the children's program (for ages 3-12) is called Primary. Every congregation I was ever part of during my primary years (and the ones my kids have been part of) all have some version of "spotlights" for the kids. I love them! I LOVE when I am spotlighted and I love hearing others' spotlights! Some of my favorite ones are the ones where the parents are asked to fill out a questionnaire about their kids. Then the Primary leaders read the answers out loud to the Primary kids as hints for the kids to guess who is being spotlighted. I love when the kid gets up there and the parents have like half to all of the stuff "wrong!"  It is so fun to hear what the kids say after hearing what the parents wrote down.

So, here is my plan. I will spotlight someone close to me (most will probably be family but I guarantee many will be friends as I get further into this-should it work out...). I will try to answer (to the best of my ability) the following questions about my whoever I am spotlighting:

1.  Hair and eye color.
2.  Where were you born?  Where did you grow up?
3.  Where did I meet you?
4.  How many brothers and sisters do you have?  Where do you fit in oldest / youngest?
5.  If you have children, how many?
6.  What are some of the different places you have lived?  Your favorite place?  Why?
7.  Were you named after anyone?
8.  Your favorite color?
9.  Your favorite food?
10. Your Favorite Book?
11. Your Favorite Movie?
12. Your Favorite Cereal?
13.  Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
14.  What are some things you enjoy doing?
15.  What color is your car?
16.  Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life.
17.  Tell one story about you.

Then YOU comment and guess who you think I am writing about! First names for guesses is good to go. AND if my spotlight people are willing to play along, maybe at the end of the week, when I announce who my spotlight was, they will correct my answers! :)

A few things--when answering the questions, I will not intentionally answer incorrectly, but I may be vague so as not to totally give away who it is. Also, I may cheat by looking at your Facebook pages to see what you claim to be your fave movie or things like that. AND lastly-I will not divulge personal info like your last name, or the names of your children or anything like that. I will be a bit vague as I said before.

Wahoo! I am about to post Spotlight #1 in a few minutes! WILL IT BE YOU?!


Friends Who get it!

Do you ever just feel like you are the only one dealing with a particular issue? Like selling a house or applying for jobs? Like no one understands how terrible it is to get you house ready to put on the market, or how hard it is to pack up your kids and leave a clean, prepared house for a showing at the last minute? Or how much it COSTS to sell a house and get it ready? Or how bad the market is?

Yeah-or like you are the only one dealing with piles and piles of terrible paperwork for your husband's new job? Like no one else can possible get it how stressful it is to get a medical license done, credentialing for hospitals or insurance set up?

I will tell you-I have felt all of those things (and more), but I have a friend that I know is doing the same thing I am. She is going through the same stage of life as I am and she is always willing to commiserate with me and make me feel better about it!

We have not been friends long. We have known each other since our husband's started medical school together but did not really become friends until near the end of residency maybe a couple years ago. Our daughters got to be friends at playgroups and we got to talking and became friends too. When I feel alone in this journey I can ALWAYS send a message and get a response that she understands and is totally doing the same thing!

So, to CHRISSY I say THANK YOU for always making me feel better about what I am doing! Thanks for letting me know we are in it together even across the miles and miles! You are AWESOME!

Shout out: Dads Rock

Just a quick Shout out to all the dad's that step in and help out!

Like my husband, who is working the mid shift right now so he is home in the mornings. My baby (well, almost 2 year old) has had some terrible poopy diapers. I have already changed a couple this morning. I sat down to try and get my Deals blog post done about the grocery deals in Scottsdale this week. It is supposed to be a weekly post, but it takes me lots of time to do it and I have been ignoring it weekly for months now. I was getting back on the ball, buckling down and typing up my pricematch faves. It was taking some time. I had to stop to help with bottles, fighting kids, all kinds of little mommy distractions. When I was about at my wits end with the diaper issue in particular, I looked over to see Wes was changing yet ANOTHER poopy diaper. (It was hard to get pictures, but I tried:

It may be a little thing to change a diaper but today it was a HUGE thing for me! So, to WES I say Thank you! Thanks for just being you and for making my morning a little less crappy (sorry couldn't help myself...)  :)
