...And It Might Be!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Love One Another

You may or may not know this, but it is anti-bullying month. And there are a lot of different things out there about it right now. I watched this video this morning and it made me sad. It made me feel such anger and sadness for my own kids who have been bullied and for the hurtful things that have been said to them.

BUT as I am trying to focus on the positives and on things to be Thankful for, I have tried to turn my thoughts around. And today I want to say Thanks to the good friends my kids have had throughout the years that have lifted them up rather than push them down. And thanks to the parents who have raised these kids! Thanks to the teachers and the administrators who have watched over these precious kids and taught them not to bully! Teachers and Administrators who, when confronted with a situation where bullying is happening,    step in and stop it. Who use it as a teaching moment! Who help the bullies and the bullied.

We had a situation when my second child was in kindergarten. His older sister is just a year older. He (#2) is a dramatic, emotional kid, and #1's best friend was a jealous girl. So, when #2 started going on the bus to school and getting attention from my #1, #1's friend started to bully #2. It was incredible for me to see how quickly and effectively the situation was dealt with. Both kids were young and I do not believe it was intended to be cruel. Once the bullying came to light, the bully was reprimanded and we were lucky that the bullying stopped.

I realize many situations with bullies are not so simple. Which is why I am thankful today for the kids that have befriended my kids and helped them to feel good about themselves. Friends that stand up for each other. Friends who have parents or guardians that have taught them to love others and treat them kindly and as they would like to be treated. Period.

We recently moved away from our bubble of friends and for some in our house it has been a rough adjustment (one we will be repeating in a few short months). So, I thank those here that have taken us in and befriended our kiddos! I thank those that took the kids into their lives and loved them for so many years in Omaha, Spokane, and SLC.

Thank you parents, thank you kids, and thank you "village" for helping me and my husband raise happy kids who feel loved! You all matter! Keep loving one another and  it can only get better and better!

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