...And It Might Be!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friends that get us through!

Well, well, well...Beckee FAIL this last week. I have so, so many people I want to Thanks for being awesome and frankly I just have not had time! I just finished a fantastic visit with my in-laws and I wanted to spend as much time as I could with them while we had the chance!

BUT, I feel like I have really let me readers down, so I am giving you a THREE for all today! I have been wanting to send out a little post about there three ladies, but wasn't sure how to do so. This is PERFECT! 

Let me explain. I had quite a few acquaintances in high school. I had a lot of friends that were boys. But I had very, VERY few friends that were girls. Don;t know why, I just always got along with the guys better! However, there are 3 ladies that were consistently there and were my friends throughout high school.

I know this blog makes me seem like a nice person, but that was not always the case. I could be mean and nasty-especially in high school. And I will tell you this, these three ladies each took their fair share of Beckee mean-ness and moodiness through the years! They got the best and the worst of me, and somehow still liked me!

They were there to deal with terrible teachers, to drive a full "Hey Jude" to Wendy's for lunch with me, to grab me some curly fries, and to generally just hang out and keep me sane! I have fantastic memories of just hanging out with these three and they were my closest friends for many years.

You leave high school and no longer have a built in reason to see each other every day, years pass and you just lose track of so, SO many friends. I have not seen any of these ladies in a number of years, but THANK YOU Facebook for letting me keep in touch! And thank you ladies for making me feel like I still have 3 BFF's somewhere out there!

Today I was feeling a little sick and frustrated right after taking my mother-in-law to the airport. I had to get so much done and run a "Friendship Day" Party at school and I was just spent! I feel awful and needed a little push to get up and do what I needed to get done. One of these ladies posted a picture on FB of a book I had made for her as a gift YEARS ago-like 18 years! She still has it and likes it! Then another of these ladies commented that she too had the book I had made her and likes it! WOW! It made me feel so great just to know they still have and care about something silly like that (they were books I had re-written to put in funny inside jokes).

I am certain that I could pick up right where we left off with any of these ladies and I love you all!! So, HEIDI, JENNY, and JALAINE, THANKS for being GREAT friends through the years! You got me through High School somewhat sane and that was not a small feat! Thank You!! I am sure I will "see" you all online, but I hope to see you all in person again sometime soon!

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