...And It Might Be!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Time to Show some Appreciation Friend

Today, I am thinking about a friend that I don't think I truly appreciated enough when I lived close. Really. I just don't think I noticed and thanked her nearly enough for all the nice things she does for others including me.

This is a friend who has volunteered to watch my kids for me over and over so I can go do things that needed to be done. A friend who has kids the same ages as my younger kids and whose kids are friends with my kids (gosh-isn't that a TRUE BLESSING for a mom to find friends whose kids also get along with your kids!!!). 

This is a friend that responds to things I post online, even the most silly insignificant things. A friend who knows how silly I am and that I always appreciate a good joke and I am always up for a laugh, so eh makes sure to share those things with me. Seriously, many of the funniest things I have read or seen on FB I would have missed were it not for this friend pointing them out to me or sharing them with me.

So, for all the times you helped with my kids, for providing friends for my kids and for all the laughs, I say THANK YOU! I cannot tell you the number of times I have been moody since I moved, then looked at FB on my phone to see something hilarious you posted and it turns my day and mood around! So, THANKS, Maggie!!

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