...And It Might Be!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spotlight updates!

You may or may not have seen my Spotlight post last week. I have learned a lot this week. So here are a few notes and changes:

Note 1: If you guessed the spotlight and did not see your comment/guess appear on the post it is because I am not going to moderate and post ANY guesses until the last day (when I reveal who it is) that way you get to make your own guess without being influences by other guesses/comments.

Note 2: As mentioned above, that was too easy. So I am going to update my questions. This is the list of questions as they appeared in Spotlight 1:

1. Hair and eye color.
2. Where were you born? Where did you grow up?
3. Where did I meet you?
4. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Where do you fit in oldest / youngest?
5. If you have children, how many?
6. What are some of the different places you have lived? Your favorite place? Why?
7. Were you named after anyone?
8. Your favorite color?
9. Your favorite food?
10. Your Favorite Book?
11. Your Favorite Movie?
12. Your Favorite Cereal?
13. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
14. What are some things you enjoy doing?
15. What color is your car?
16. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life.
17. Tell one story about you.

This is the new set of questions:

1. Where did I meet you?
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite?
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been)
4. What is your dream vacation spot?
4. Were you named after anyone?
5. Your favorite color?
6. Your favorite food?
7. Your Favorite Book?
8. Your Favorite Movie?
9. Your Favorite Cereal?
10. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
11. What are some things you enjoy doing?
12. What color is your car?
13. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life.
14. Tell one funny story about you.

Note 3: Spotlight 1 has only been up a few days, but in the future I will only do one spotlight a week-it will be posted on Mondays (and revealed on the next Monday).

Look for Spotlight 1 to be revealed later today! AND for Spotlight 2 to go up.

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