...And It Might Be!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spotlight 2: WHO IS IT?!

Well, here we go on Spotlight 2. This will be with the new set of questions.

Remember I will answer these questions to the best of my ability about this person. Who knows if I am accurate or not, but I will do my best based on my knowledge of him or her (and maybe based on his/her Facebook page/posts).  (Though many of my answers may be best guesses-I am posting them as if I know!)

Without further ado, I give you spotlight #2:

1. Where did I meet you? My apartment
2. Of all the places you have lived, what is your favorite? Louisiana
3. What is your favorite place to vacation? (Somewhere you have been) California
4. What is your dream vacation spot? The moon...ok, on earth? Brazil
5. Were you named after anyone? Yes (a grandparent I believe)
6. Your favorite color? blue or green
7. Your favorite food? Brazilian BBQ or Paninis
8. Your Favorite Book? Wheel of Time Series
9. Your Favorite Movie? I have no clue...ET?
10. Your Favorite Cereal? Lucky Charms
11. Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Rainbow Sherbet
12. What are some things you enjoy doing? Playing board games, camping, hanging out with family, traveling, studying (hehehe)
13. What color is your car? black...or dark blue (won't I feel silly if it's white)
14. Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life: I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
15. Tell one funny story about you. (I will tell a story at the END of the week)

Please leave guesses in comments as to who you believe this person might be! Next Monday I will post an answer as to who it is and perhaps if they are willing to play along, we will also get the real answers to the questions! They can correct my mistakes! :)

Thank you all for playing along! And remember if I know you, this could be YOU!! :)


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