...And It Might Be!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Spotlight 1: ANDREA

Well. As mentioned in my post earlier today, apparently Spotlight 1 was pretty easy...it was in fact, my sister, ANDREA! So, let me tell you a little about her.

First, as a reminder, here were MY answers to the Spotlight questions about Andrea:

1.  Hair and eye color. Blond and Blue
2.  Where were you born?  Where did you grow up? Utah, Utah...
3.  Where did I meet you? Utah
4.  How many brothers and sisters do you have?  Where do you fit in oldest / youngest? 1, 2, middle
5.  If you have children, how many? 4
6.  What are some of the different places you have lived?  Your favorite place?  Favorite Place to visit-I think is Hawaii.
7.  Were you named after anyone? Not that I am aware of
8.  Your favorite color? Blue
9.  Your favorite food? Parmesan Chicken
10.  Your Favorite Book? Their Eyes Were Watching God
11. Your Favorite Movie? Girls Just Want to Have Fun
12. Your Favorite Cereal? Cheerios
13.  Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
14.  What are some things you enjoy doing? Facebook, Hang out with family, Sing, Hold Babies, and Scrapbook.
15.  What color is your car? Gold
16.  Name a movie or book that best describes you or your life. As Good as it Gets
17.  Tell one story about you. I cannot think of one that will not give this away...let me think...ok...um...Here is my plan on this one. I will tell you a story about this person at the END of the week when it is revealed WHO it is! :) 

And now, because my sister is awesome and willing to play along, here are her answers (correcting mine):

1. Green and blonde/brown
2. SLC. Mostly SLC, but I also lived in Denver and Lansing.
3. I'm guessing St. Mark's Hospital.
4. 1 brother, 2 sisters. I'm in the middle (the older in the middle).
5. 4
6. I have lived in Utah, Michigan, and Colorado. My favorite places are Puerto Vallarta, Hawaii, and Disneyland-yep, I have 3!
7. I don't think so-my parents just liked my name.
8. Blue (deep, dark blue)
9. Stuffed peppers, Navajo tacos, my mom's Parmesan chicken, and sushi.
10. Ender's Game and Their Eyes were Watching God
11. I have SOOOO many-top 5 are probably Footloose, Count of Monte Cristo, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Lion King, and The Family Man
12. Rice Chex and Cheerios (it's true, I know, I'm boring).
13. Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
14. Reading, Writing, Scrapbooking, babysit (especially little babies), make cookies and bread, autism advocacy.
15. Goldish
16. What Women Want hehe
17. (Note from Beckee-Andrea is recovering from surgery and is a little drowsy, so she asked me to recount this story from her about us SO this is in Beckee's words): When I was a senior in high school, I was playing Adelaide in Guys and Dolls. During one particularly long rehearsal, Andrea and Heidi (our friend) asked if I wanted anything from Arby's. I said I wanted Curly Fries. They came back with HOMESTYLE fries and (allegedly) I pitched a fit. On stage, in front of all, I screamed, yelled and stomped that "I want CURLY fries."  They went back and got Curly Fries...(and I have not heard the end of it from my family since-my mom was there in the pit playing the piano and this is my "diva fit" that the family still references when I get to be a handful...)

NOW, MY TURN to share some facts and stories about ANDREA:

1: Andrea is notoriously a terrible cook (though as an adult she has improved). But as a kid/teen/young adult, we teased she could burn water. This is not a joke. This is real. Let me tell you the story. I am 2ish years older than Andrea. When I was 16, I came home late one night from a rehearsal or something and Andrea was up and trying to cook a late night meal of pasta of some sort. She had put water on the stove to boil with a touch of oil and salt in it and walked away. At the time, out family lived with my grandparents. They slept upstairs, we were downstairs. That night I came home just in time to see Andrea's water had boiled out and the stove was on fire. Everyone was asleep. I didn't want to scream, but wasn't sure how to get it out (do you throw water on a fiery electric thing?!) So, I ran into my grandparents room where my sleeping grandparents were sleepign and calmly asked my XiaXia (grandma in Greek) "Excuse me, the stove is on fire, I am not sure how to get it out, do I throw water or flour on it?!" She kind of mumbled something like "yeah that should work." I said "OK-thank you." Closed the door and started walking back to the fiery kitchen. Apparently at that point XiaXia realized what I had asked and I am telling you-that 65-year-old lady ran past me like she was Dash from the Incredibles, and that fire was out before I even hit the kitchen.  That story is why we say Andrea can burn even water! :)

2: Andrea loves to travel, but is not very good at it. I realize my saying this I am asking for a retaliation as I am notoriously the WORST traveler ever (I have terrible luck on drives and flights in traveling, but that is for another day). Back to Andrea being a bad traveler though: Case in point, when my dad took her on a daddy daughter vacation to Costa Rica, she spent all of like 2 hours there before heading back to the states to seek medical attention due to an allergic reaction she had and was still having some issues for. BUT worry not-my dad and sister can make anything an adventure-they did not come directly home-they went via Mexico and like 4 other places. I don't remember all the details but it was crazy.

3: I am a klutz, but she can out-klutz me any day. She wore a huge cast on her leg to the junior prom because the day before prom she fell off her platform shoe and got her leg stuck in a door breaking her ankle. Yeah-really-she broke her ankle that way. I so wish I had the picture to show you of her in her flowy light blue mermaid-like prom dress with this bright (green?) cast and walking on crutches!

4: Speaking of being klutzy, she once broke her nose performing on stage in front of all the kids her age from the high schools around. She was doing a dance move and just slipped and fell on her nose. But don't worry-she finished the song with the blood gushing out her nose. A stage crew member brought her tissues in the middle of the song but she just finished before going to seek medical attention.

5: She may be super skinny, but she can eat you under the table under the right circumstances. Like if her (now husband) breaks up with her, she MIGHT park her sad butt on the bottom of her older sister's bed and remain there for days eating dozens and dozens of eclairs (provided to her by her dad who knew not what to do otherwise...). Or like if dad were to make Navajo Tacos, or mom makes Parmesan Chicken...Just saying...

Though I have another sister and one brother, they are both quite a bit younger than I am, so Andrea and I grew up together and didn't have anyone else until I was 10. So, I got to grow up with Andrea and fight with her and she stole my clothes all the time. But we still like each other and she is thoughtful and great and I am lucky to have such a fun sister!

So, Thanks Andrea for all the things you have done throughout my life to make it more fun and exciting and for helping me through the hard days too.


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